44 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council let by Mayor Hiremath is managing this of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
44 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council let by Mayor Hiremath is managing this of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
44 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council let by Mayor Hiremath is managing this of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
585 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council let by Mayor Hiremath snatched up this whopper of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
585 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council let by Mayor Hiremath snatched up this whopper of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
585 Pages of glorious detail on how Oro Valley Town Council led by Mayor Hiremath snatched up this whopper of a deal that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars to date and promises to lose more!
If you levy enough taxes, you can get enough money to support any losing proposition.
Town Council imposed an additional half-cent sales tax (a 25% increase) to subsidize the losses on the golf course and restaurant. Big problem: Oro Valley could sell the project tomorrow, and this tax would not go away. There is no sunset provision on it. It is forever in its present form.
Town Council also doubled the Utility Tax during their tenure. Is there any end to new taxes? Maybe not.