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If you levy enough taxes, you can get enough money to support any losing proposition. 
Town Council imposed an additional half-cent sales tax (a 25% increase) to subsidize the losses on the golf course and restaurant. Big problem: Oro Valley could sell the project tomorrow, and this tax would not go away. There is no sunset provision on it. It is forever in its present form. 
Town Council also doubled the Utility Tax during their tenure. Is there any end to new taxes? Maybe not.
Upward Curve


He was for the property tax before he was against it.
Mayor Hiremath acknowledged during the July 31 candidates debate that he backed Proposition 454 last November. This is the proposition that would have imposed the first ever town property tax in Oro Valley. Then, the very next day, in the Aug 1 edition of the Explorer, Hiremath  published a full page ad paid for by his campaign. In that ad he says, "My commitment is to have balanced budgets without the use of a property tax." Which position is it, Mr. Mayor?
But there's more: In that same paid ad, you should read the sentence before the ones quoted above and then read them together. Hiremath says, "The Town of Oro Valley does not have a renter's tax, a commercial lease tax or a property tax. My commitment is to have balanced budgets without the use of a property tax." He rules out the property tax - at least for now - but notice that he does NOT rule out the renter's tax or the commercial lease tax. Is that what's coming down the road for Oro Valley taxpayers? Draw your own conclusions.
Mature Woman
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I'm a citizen and a resident of Oro Valley who's just upset enough to inform my fellow residents.



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